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Monday, January 19, 2009

There has been so many "Firsts" in the past 100 years. First- Planes, Cars, Telephones, TVs, Microwave Ovens, Computers, Talking Movies, Cures for some Cancers, Transplants, Contact Lenses , Automatic Washer and Dryers, and I could go on and on. Most of these "Firsts" were there when I was born and have just been improved on over the past 63 years, but I have also seen many of the very "Firsts". One of the "First" I really remember was July 21, 1969. This was the day Man first landed and walked on the Moon. I was 24 years old and had a Baby Boy, Chris, who was 2 years and 8 months old. He was sound asleep and I went in and woke him up and him and I watched the Black & White TV as Neil Armstrong opened the door of The Eagle and steped out onto the Moon and said those famous words "That's one small step for Man, one giant leap for Mankind". Now Chris had no idea why I had woke him or what he was watching, but I told that sleepy Little Boy "this is something that will never happen again and I want you to see it even if you do not remember it" and now as a 42 year old Man he does not remember it. But when Chris hears about the "First" steps on the Moon he does know he was there with me watching that TV.
January 20, 2009, we will all be able to see a "First". Barack Obama's inauguration. This is something that will only happen once, the "First" Black Man to be sworn in as our President. Even if you are not a Fan of Barack Obama, this is a piece of History that will be talked and wrote about for hundreds of years to come and you have only this one chance to see it. Please do not miss out!

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