This is also the day to check you Smoke Detectors. To really be safe just go ahead and put a new battery in, then forget it till the time changes again in the fall. This is one small item you MUST have!!!
This flag with Old Man Winter has been blowing in the cold since Christmas. Today he was taken down. I have had enough of what he represents-Winter- and it is now time for a new Flag.
This Flag gives me HOPE for the nice days to come. Tulips, trees budding out, grass greening up and Easter. Heavy sweat clothes being stored, winter coats pushed to the back of the closet and Flip Flop sandals taken out of their storage boxes, all of these are signs of Spring and Summer.
I lost a very dear Friend, of 35 years, a number of months ago to the BIG C. -Cancer. She took care of an Elderly Lady 2 door from me. Everday she walked past my house on her way to Millie's (the Elder Woman). She always told me the only way she kept up with the Seasons and Holidays was by my Yard Flag!
Well Fred (Fredricka) I just changed the Flag for you!
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