Last Fall I did hire Tree Trimers to cut the Big Old Tree down in our back yard. AJ has been working on getting the remains out of the back yard very diligently.
This was a Big Old Tree. It grew right on the property line. Half of it hung over the fence into the neighbors yard. A few years ago they had tree trimers cut the part that hung over, on their side, down. The tree housed many birds and the squirrels loved it. We saw many babies in that tree. Parts of it had died and all summer you could hear rat-ta-tat-tat. Woodpeckers pecking for bugs in the dead parts. All of the wild life that made the Big Old Tree their home and a food place was nice and we enjoyed them...but it had to go. Every time there was a storm I just knew it was going to fall over!
Today AJ worked real hard to get most of it gone. The big pieces is all that is left. He thinks we can just keep the big pieces of the trunk and use them for Lawn Chairs and and a Table. Well AJ let ME think on that...."NO"!
This is some of the mess AJ has been working on the past few months. He has done a pretty good job.
This is a picture of the Big Old Tree a couple of years ago when we had an ice storm. I am so happy it is out of my life!
"""It's so nice to have a Man around the house...a house is just a house without a Man...He's the necessary Evil in your plan...Just a Knight in shining armor, who is something of a Charmer...It's s nice to have a Man around the House""". Thank you! Thank you!! (Bowing and throwing kisses)
You do not own a Cat...they own You!
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