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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th with the 7th Stage of Alzheimer,s

My Mom has sever dementia and Alzheimer's Symtoms.

She is living in a Nursing Home just a few minutes from ME.

I see her every day, sometimes twice a day and

sometimes, very rarely, 3 times a day.

I do her laundry, hand feed her meals,

and take her foods and snacks

that at one time she loved, like ice cream, cake,

McDonalds, pizza, PB&J sandwiches, candy bars,

and so on...she rarely takes more then one bite of

these and says she is full. The one thing she enjoys

about the most is a Red Sucker from the Bank.

When I go to the bank and the Gal says

"can I get you any thing else" I say

" yes, one of your Red Suckers".

She probably thinks this is going to a Child

in my car, not to my Mom in a Nursing Home.

Am I not a

Wonderful Daughter?

No I am not.

I have been with my Mom all my life'

I have always been her "Right Hand Man". I stood by

her side through all her ventures in life. But this

"Alzhemimer's Venture"

takes The Cake. I am stumped!

I really just want to walk away!

Last night was The 4th of July. ME and my

"Right Hand Man"

Jen did not spend the evening

watching Fireworks or listening to the patriotic music in the park

with our Kiddo Madison or our spouses. Her & I choose,

of our own free will, to spend it with Mom.

We took her out to the Court Yard, along

with some other Ladies that live at the Home,

to watch the Fireworks.

Mom was not in a very good mood, but Jen

thought as soon as the Fireworks started she

would "Get Happy" wrong!

She has always loved

the Fireworks displays. In the years past, her and

Ruth, her neighboor whom is now passed away,

would sit in Lawn Chairs, in the driveway, and watch

the Celebration of our USA. This year she did not even

know it was July 4th nor did she care about the display.

After the colorful and noisey display was over,
I ask her if she enjoyed the Fireworks

and her response after sitting in the courtyard

for 45 minutes facing the fireworks was

"I didn't see any fireworks"......

I took this picture of her in the dark,

using a flash on my camera. It scared her

and she said to ME, quote,

"""DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!

That camera just cut me into!""""

No that does not make sense, but niether does this

dreadfull disease called



For information on the the

7 Stages of Alzheimer's

go to


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