It is said that everyone in their Life has 15 Minutes of Fame. Well I guess this was my Fame. Back in the early 90's a magazine came out on the stands and it was just for Women. It was called "Woman's World". It was and still is, a Great Magazine full of Recipes and articles directed towards Women's interest. It is a small magazine and I usually read it cover to cover. One article I really liked was called "Precious Moments". Women would write in about there Husbands and Children. One day I decided to send in one of My Precious Moments. And can you believe it! was published.
The article reads:
My husband Aaron proved to me just how loved I am. At his high school reunion each graduate was asked to give an update on his life, and Aaron had just been told there was no hope of advancement in his job. After listening to his classmate's successes, it was time for Aaron to speak. Aaron summed up his life this way, "A very wise man once told me "If a Man has failed at everything else in life, but is happily married, then he is truly a success". I knew then that Aaron and I were the most successful couple in the room.
Hey I have a right to get a Little Sappy once in awhile!
Wow! I didn't realize I married into fame!