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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Feeling a Little Wired!!!

It doesn't seem like almost a year ago
AJ & ME went through his heart
After 2 ablations we thought all
was well, and maybe it is.
Lately though AJ has had some
off and on problems.
Shortness of breath, fluttering heart,
higher then usual blood pressure
and just not feeling up to par.
He had a standing appointment
set up a year ago with the heart doctor.
When he went in for the check-up and
told the Doc some of the symptoms he had
been having, the Doc put him on a
48 hour Heart Monitor.

It had 7 leads and they all connected
to a little monitor that has been reading
his heart activity the past couple of days.
He took it off Saturday afternoon and
will take it to the Doc on Monday to be read.
to be continued....

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