I do not like Bloggers or Posters that "Bait or Vague Post". I see it so many times on popular Blogs I read and many times on Face Book. Baiting and Vague Posting is when someone just throws a tid-bit out there. They never explain exactly what is ment by the words or post. For example:
This is driving me crazy!.........Praying!........What to do?......Decisions!.....Is this a bad Dream?...
Are you getting what I am talking about. They say just enough to make you wonder "What the Hay is going on". Then you usually respond with Oh Dear, what is the problem?" or "Are you alright?". And now you sit and wait for an answer, that most of the time you do not get! You keep checking back to see if there is another update and there is usually NOT. These Bloggers or Posters are "Attention Getters". I myself have quit taking their Bait.
Now as for ME, I have not Blogged for a few days. AJ & ME have been quite busy with a project that
"Is driving ME crazy...I am Praying about...Really do not know what to do!.....So many decisions....Maybe it is all a Bad Dream! Please keep checking back!
(I will really show you whats going on).
TeeHee.... I am Baiting and Vague Posting!!!!!!
People who don't like CATS....were probably MICE in an earlier life!