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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Living with a Turtle......for a year!

On June 25, 2009 AJ gave ME this Little Turtle.
He found it at his work crawling behind the counter.
The Turtle was so small, he at first thought it to be
a bug.
This is a Red Eared Slider.
As you can see he was very small......
I got on the computer and found out how
to care for him and what to feed him.
In about 6 months we saw quite a difference
in his size and his markings.

We named him Tony, but that did not stick.
We just called him Turtle,
then shortened it to Turd,
and then sweetened it up to
This is Turdy today.

Turdy 6 months ago......

Turdy today!

No the quarters are not shrinking!
Turdy is growing.

He will get to be a Big Turd!
This turtle can live to be 90 years old!!!!!

The Red dots are the reason he is called a
Red Eared Slider.

AJ and ME have really become attached
to this Guy (or maybe Gal).

He eats Turtle Sticks, Dried Shrimp,
Dried Blood Worms and Flake Fish Food.

He has 3 homes.
An inside our home, medium sized dry aquarium with rocks,
A large wet aquarium outside on our porch. It has a turtle house
and 3 stacked bricks to climb on. It is filled with
about 2 gallons of water.
And his small plastic feeding aquarium,
we call it his cafeteria.

Turdy is well taken care of, as is all our pets.
We have no reqrets in taking in a Stray Turtle.
We are happy with him
and you can see by the
Big Smile
he is happy with us!
Do not forget to keep you Bird Baths full
of clean water this Hot Summer.
They will....
Thank You!

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