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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Feast or Famine

Remember this about a month ago?

Days and days of rain!

The damage it did and it almost took lives.

It was hard to believe this was our town.
We were all hoping it would just stop raining.
We had had enough to last the summer.
After the rain stoped we were all so glad.
The cool damp weather was gone.
The cloudy skies were gone.

The sun came out. The Humidity went up.
The grass and weeds grew like crazy. The tempertures
started to rise. The mold was high. All the
water was breeding mosquitos. But at
least it was not raining.

Now about a month or so later:
we are hoping for rain with none in sight,
the temperture is hitting 100 degrees,
the grass is burning up, our water
bills are going to be sky high from
watering, Our tomatos are getting
sun burned, the flowers have
stoped blooming, the flies are bad,
the dogs are in the house most of the time,
the air conditioner runs constantly
and the side walks are covered with
dried up earth worms.

It is hitting 100 degrees!
I sure wish it would rain.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Audrey ll

For at least 15 years I have planted
a small garden. I have had Tomatos, Potatos,
Spinich, Beets, Turnips, Green Beans,
English Peas, Radishes, Rhubarb,
Leaf Lettuce, Sweet Corn and Yellow Summer Squash.
The only thing I planted every year was Tomatos.
I tried the other veggies a few times,
but they really never
were worth the trouble or the extra money
on our water bill. So I just stuck with
I also had a hole in the corner of my garden
that I would throw in veggie peelings, coffee
grounds and egg shells. It was a small
Compost. I used the rich soil for planting
flowers. This year I told AJ "Just let the
Garden grow over with grass. No more Garden."
I did plant 2 Tomato Plants in a bare spot
in our back yard and they are doing fine.
Well, little did I know laying in my compost
hole was a seed just waiting for warm
weather, sun and rain. A squash plant
started to grow in the un-wanted garden.
I showed it to AJ and he said just leave it alone.
So we did and it grew and grew and grew.
Soon it was blocking us from mowing the
the grass that was growing in the old garden spot.
Soon it was growing in the yard. Growing in
with flowers and around the Bird Bath.
What is this plant? There were yellow squash
blooms, so I thought it to be a
Yellow Summer Squash. Soon we saw
little green squash...and they grew,
but never turned Yellow.
What is this plant? The Summer Squash
should be bright yellow at this size.
Well, we let them grow
waiting for the yellow to appear. Soon
they were so big and still a pale green.
I told AJ these must be
Winter Butternut Squash...but they
are so big. If we don't pick them now
they will loose their sweetness if they
get much bigger. So I picked them!
Now AJ and ME love Butternut Squash.
I peel them, cut them in large cubes,
sprinkle them with brown sugar
and dot them with butter.
Bake in baking pan covered for 1 hour
at 350 degrees. Yummmm!!!!
So, I should have known when I picked
these Giants, they were still greenish colored
not tan and the stem was green, not brown.
They just did not look like the Butternut Squash
I purchase at the store. To big, neck to long,
bulb not big enough and not the right color.
Well they are Butternut Squash and Yep I
had picked them to soon. I peeled one hopeing
when I cut it open it would be the bright
orange color of a ripe Butternut Squash.
Much like the color of a Pumpkin.
Nope, no such luck it was a pale yellow. It
had been picked to early.
I got on the Web and read sometimes the Squash
will ripen after picked if in a cool place.
Cool place in Oklahoma in July! where?
I have a few more coming on and they will
stay on the vine till the first frost!
Do you understand Audrey ll ????

Little Shop of Horrors

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shhhhhh...he's sleeping.

Do I let my Murphy Cat sleep on the
counter top?


it looks like......

I do!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

VBS...with BFF

BFF = Best Friends Forever

Last week was Madison's
Vacation Bible School.
This year it was very special
because she invited her very
Best Friend, Courtney,
to join her for the week.

This year's theme was "Saddle Ridge Ranch".
Every one was dressed as if they were
attending a Dude Ranch.
All the music had a Country Twang to it.
The graphics on the stage background sets
were wonderful.

After the Program we all got to enjoy
a Country Meal.
Hot Dogs, Chips & Dip, Ranch Beans,
Potato Salad, Relishes, Chili Frito Pie,
Peach Cobbler, Cookies and Drinks.
( Can you find AJ?)

Courtney chooses the Cookie
over the Hot Dog, to be her Entree'.
(Can you count how many Bracelets she is wearing?!)

"Life is Short...Dessert First"
is the Motto for these girls.

OOOOOh to be 10 again...
Natural Beauty,
a Free spirit,
a Heart that soaks up the
"Word of God"
like a sponge!

Madison has finished the first course,
and is now on to the second course,
Hot Dog.
Courtney has finished the first course,
and on to the second course,
These two Girls had so much fun this week,
they dressed alike, and wore the same
They are truly...
Remember 10?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Living with a Turtle......for a year!

On June 25, 2009 AJ gave ME this Little Turtle.
He found it at his work crawling behind the counter.
The Turtle was so small, he at first thought it to be
a bug.
This is a Red Eared Slider.
As you can see he was very small......
I got on the computer and found out how
to care for him and what to feed him.
In about 6 months we saw quite a difference
in his size and his markings.

We named him Tony, but that did not stick.
We just called him Turtle,
then shortened it to Turd,
and then sweetened it up to
This is Turdy today.

Turdy 6 months ago......

Turdy today!

No the quarters are not shrinking!
Turdy is growing.

He will get to be a Big Turd!
This turtle can live to be 90 years old!!!!!

The Red dots are the reason he is called a
Red Eared Slider.

AJ and ME have really become attached
to this Guy (or maybe Gal).

He eats Turtle Sticks, Dried Shrimp,
Dried Blood Worms and Flake Fish Food.

He has 3 homes.
An inside our home, medium sized dry aquarium with rocks,
A large wet aquarium outside on our porch. It has a turtle house
and 3 stacked bricks to climb on. It is filled with
about 2 gallons of water.
And his small plastic feeding aquarium,
we call it his cafeteria.

Turdy is well taken care of, as is all our pets.
We have no reqrets in taking in a Stray Turtle.
We are happy with him
and you can see by the
Big Smile
he is happy with us!
Do not forget to keep you Bird Baths full
of clean water this Hot Summer.
They will....
Thank You!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

How to have a Little Summer this Winter...

What says SUMMER more then
And don't you just crave them in about
Well here is a quick easy way to have
that fresh Strawberry taste after the
Strawberries are gone off the shelves
and all you can find are the frozen ones.
Freezer Strawberry Jam

First you need 2 quarts or 1 pound of
Fresh Strawberries.
I make at least a double batch
so I use 2 quarts or 2 pounds.

You'll then need sugar.
One batch need 4 cups and the double
batch needs 8 cups.

Then go to the Canning aisle of your food
store and pick up Pectin. I buy Sure-Jell,
but Ball also makes Pectin.
The recipe is in the box. Just clean the
Berries, mash them by hand or I but them
in my Food-Processor for a couple
of pluses.
Add the sugar.
Boil water and powder Pectin
and add.
Put into clean freezer containers
and freeze!
This is a double batch...
about 10 cups.
Go ahead and make a double batch-
one batch will not get you through the
winter and spring...
trust ME!
This Jam is WONDERFUL!!!!!
on Biscuits, Pancakes, French Toast,
Toast and a great topping on Ice Cream.
You know I think while I am in the mood....
I'll just make 1 more batch for
giving away!