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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Favorite colors are Red, White and Blue!

Today at lunch AJ checked out his Facebook and after seeing 4 Posts I had put on my page defending My President, he called ME a "fanatic". ( Websters Dictionary: fanatic = enthusiasm and intense devotion). Yap that's ME, a Fanatic! I will confess I am a Fanatic when it comes to things I love and believe my Family!, my Pets!, my Dear Friends!, my God!, my Freedom! (including freedom of speech), my Country! and my President!. I will defend all of the things I mentioned and I will never throw them under the bus. Sitting back and not speaking up for things you believe in and not defending or giving rebuttals, in my mind is throwing your beliefs under the bus. I am very much PRO Obama. I fear that if he does not get elected thing will change for ME, the Middle Class and the Poor.  

Barack came from a modest family, he paid his own way through schools: Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Taught Law at the University of Chicago for 12 years before getting into politics. This man knows what it is like to be self-made with no handouts from parents or inheritances from families. He is a Family Man and loves his Wife and Girls very much. He shows more Love and Affection in public for his Family, then I have ever seen any other President do. He one time said he ate alot of Jello Salads his Grandmother made for him while growing up.....and he still like them!

I believe in this man and I am willing to give him another 4 years to get the JOB DONE that he has started. I believe Rome was not built in a day. I believe there are many people out there today that are better off then they were 4 years ago.

 I Love this picture ^ up there. Believe it or not this Animal did at one time exist. I grew up with this Critter. Dems and Repubs use to get along. They had different ideas of how to get things done and the way a country should be run. But they were polite, and respectful to each other in their Campaigns. There was no spewing hate. Those days are gone, sadly. Today's campaigns are ugly.

I read Facebook daily and see "crap" put on from both sides. I really try to not put hateful post up about the President's opponent, but to put up positive post about Obama. I will sometimes have to give a rebuttal on a comment or lie, made about My President. There is so much STUFF floating around about both men that I really try to find out the truth before I post.

I told AJ, I will not "Shut Up" until Nov. 7, 2012, the day after election. Like I said when I started this Blog...I will defend what I believe in, and I would hope you would do the same. If any of my Facebook Friends are reading are very dear to ME. I do believe in Pro-Choice, 100%. If you do not like my post and rebuttals or are tired of seeing them, you have the Freedom of Choice...just defriend ME...but please Friend ME again after Nov 6, 2012.


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