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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Amazing Grace....Spaying a Rescue Pit Bull

Hi Fans, This is Mimi. Well morning came very fast for Gracie. We played by the Vets rules and there was nothing to eat or drink after 10:00 last night. I bet she was wondering why she was getting woke up so early and was taking a ride before her eyes were barely open. Gracie loves to ride in the Van. Grampy said "of all three Doggies we own she, would be the Best Traveling Pet".
 Grampy always gives Gracie a boost into the van and always picks her up out of the van.
 We did stop at the Potty Area of the Vet's Office to give Gracie one last pee.
 Gracie has been to the Vet's Office twice and she is always excited to get in. Some Doggies put on the brakes at the door, but not Grace. She enters the Office wagging that non stop tail and full of her Gracie Smiles!
 Even though there are other dogs & cats in the office Gracie stays pretty close to Grampy.
 Shortly Gracie's name is called and the girls take her from us. As you can see she turns around and says "Mimi & Grampy aren't you coming?" We tell her "No Grace, we can't come with you now, but Mimi promises to come and see you as soon as they let me."
 The Office Gal hands Grace over to one of the Nurses and away she goes wagging that tail (that is always a blur in the pictures) and sniffing each examining room in the hall.
I really have this sick feeling in my stomach. I really wish I could have stayed with her awhile. I do not want her to think she has lost her home, or that she did something wrong and is being punished. I really do not know how dogs think....but I do know how Mimi thinks and feels about her pets. I guess because of Gracie's past, that we know nothing about but, speculate the worst, I feel she is Fragile and a Special Needs Doggie. Please send Gracie Loving and Reassuring Vibes today ♥ Mimi

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Short Trip to the Far East

Well yes it's ME. I have been away from my Blog for awhile. I have had my mind on a few other projects for the past 3 months and be sure, I will let you in on them in the near furture. The last Blog was in March when my Sis & Niece came down for a visit to see Mom in the Nursing home. Most of their time was spent with her but we did get out a little. One afternoon Jen & ME & Madison took them into the City to a very Unique Large Grocery Store. The name is pronounced "Cow When". I think this is Chinese. We shopped for over an hour in there and could have stayed another hour if we had more time. They have everything Asian you can think of, plus alot more.
Enjoy the Tour......
(click on pictures to enlarge)
 The Store is huge and the building is new, modern and beautiful on the outside....but when you go in you feel like you have just made a trip to the Orient.
 The first area was packaged goodies. Madison is holding up a Giant Sesame Seed Cookie.
 and of course there was the Favorite Fortune Cookie.
 The next area was Produce. Above is Fresh Pealed Bamboo.
 Cher is holding up some kind of Big Radish.
 The next area we came to was the Meat Department. This may get a Little Hairy for some of you...but just toughen up and look! Pigs Feet...not to bad, my Mom use to make these with Cabbage, when I was a Kid. And they are good Pickled.
 How about some Cow Feet or Cow Tongue. I hope they didn't have Foot & Mouth Disease!
 How could anyone pass up Pork Hearts, Pig Snouts, or Beef Leg Tendons?
 Now this looks pretty norm...Stripped Bass and the Legs ♥
 How about sharing you Favorite Recipe for Pork Uteris
I was thinking, this fall during Football Season, instead of having Buffalo Wings for the Guys, I would try Buffalo Chicken Feet!
 Nothing like a Big Pot of Duck Head Soup stewing on the stove.
 Here Madison & Jess modeled the Oriental Straw Hats. They look ready to venture out into a Rice Paddy Field.
 Along with aisles & aisles of canned and bottled and frozen items, there was a Bric & Brack Department. Statues, Lanterns, Potted Bamboo Shoots to grow and so much more.
 Here Madison is looking at a a Lucky Frog, tempting her to grab his Brass Ring for Good Luck.
We did end up buying some Fresh Sushi to eat in the car. ME, Jen & Madison really liked it, but Jess & Cher passed. We took them to Sonic.
It is Summer and do not forget to hang your Hummingbird Feeders. Fill them with sugar water, no red food coloring. My recipe is 1 cup water and 1/4 cup white sugar.