Somewhere around a month 1/2 to 2 months ago Jen and I started planning and working on Mom's Estate Sale. She had an attic full, a storage shed full, a garage full, every cabnet full, every closet full, if there was a flat spot, something was on it and she never thew away any magazines or "important" papers (there were boxes of these), every greeting card and photo she recieved was kept, she had a Doll Collection and a Miniature Shoe Collection. We found and I am not fibbing, about 200 new skiens of yarn and at least 75 Crochet Books. Mom got where she could not shop in store, so items were bought from Home Shopping and QVC. I found brand new things that were never even opened. Some of these things I had no idea she had. She kept them secret, knowing I would Bitch to her about the buying. Her clothes closets (4) were packed. She never would get rid of anything. She had Fat Clothes, Skiny Clothes and clothes she was wearing at that time. She loved Shoes and back in the 80's she had a handbag that matched ever pair of her shoes. Now we are talking at least 50 pairs of shoe and matching Bags. Now to add to all of her treasures, when my Aunt Cora died Mom got controll of her Estate and kept most of her Goodies and clothes. I could go on and on about the 3 George Foreman Grills, New Seal-a-meal, crock pots, storage containers, food prossesors, bread machine, deep friers, electric can openers, Yogart Maker, Ice Cream Maker, irons, coffee pots, are noticing I am putting an "S" behind some of these things, she had more then 1 of every thing. Mom was born in 1925 and grew up poor. Raising us 3 kids she did without so we could have nice things. I really believe in Mom's older years, she was trying to make up for the POOR DAYS. She treasured her belongings and just could not part with anything.
As soon as the neighbors seen we were working on this Sale they started coming over. We went ahead and let them look. They would look and they did buy. One Dear Friend was called and tolded about the up coming Sale. She came over and bought. She then returned 7 times before the Sale with some of her family and Church Ladies. They also looked and bought & bought & bought! We put some of her large pieces of furniture on Craig's List and got rid of those. Folks were also allowed to shop when they came to buy the furniture, so alot was sold that way. Well finally Jen & ME, with a "little" help from Wade & AJ, got this Estate Sale together. It took us a good month to a month 1/2 to get to this point. We had the Sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Left over items were 1/2 of the marked Price on Sunday
Strange People rummaging through my Mom's Treasures really was sad for ME. There was one time I had to leave Jen alone with the Sale. I had a small melt down and went over to the Nursing Home for an hour to spend some time with Mom. I needed my Mom to comfort ME and to tell Me it was okay, that I was doing the right thing in selling her Life Long Collection of STUFF. Of course Mom could not help ME..she does not even remember her Collection of Life Long Stuff. After the visit with Mom I left feeling much better...sharing her belongings with others that can get some use out of them, is all I can do at this point. Next on the list is to spiffy up the house and put it on the market.
I am tired, I am sad, I am MAD, I am sick, I am LONLEY! "MY LIFE" is consummed with my Mom. and there are times I feel very "Alone in a Crowd"